Media publication notice 13323 METAL PLATE CARD HOLDER GD "248."

248. has reviewed the DIARGE 13323 METAL PLATE CARD HOLDER GD.

248. is a personal blog that aims at a simple life with a peculiarity that does not seek only rationality, and writes articles of various scenes subjectively. Excerpt from HP

I've been introduced to it frequently on the DIARGE blog, so readers may be familiar with it.

This is the third review article, but the arrangement unique to the lifestyle of Mr. 248.( @papipepe_mono ) , the manager, is wonderfully bursting, and it is interesting and of course helpful from the manufacturer's point of view.

It's a clean product that has been stripped down to its limits. It is truly a product that stands out for its minimalism. Excerpt from article

As a manufacturer, I can't say much after receiving such a sentence. If you are interested, please read the article directly.

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