Ginza Itoya 13908 DESKTOP ETERNAL CALENDAR development announcement

GD, SV, and BLK of 13908 DESKTOP ETERNAL CALENDAR are displayed at the 5th floor office corner of Ginza Itoya.

I visited the sales floor with greetings at the beginning of the year.

After going up the escalator, it was on the 5th floor, in the desk item corner of the office on the Ginza street side.

It is in front of the i-Mac display.

Since it is difficult to understand, I will also attach the product image.

It seems that a few items were sold mainly by foreign tourists on that day, partly because it was the timing when demand for seasonal calendars was booming, and the person in charge of the sales floor reported that it was doing well.

It is a standard item on the same floor, so if you have something to do in Ginza, please check it out.

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