Announcement of product expansion POP UP development Futako Tamagawa Tsutaya Electric Appliances

The DIARGE POP UP SHOP with a significantly expanded product SKU will be opened from 5/7 (Tue.) at Futako Tamagawa Tsutaya Electric Appliances, which has been permanently installed in the 2F Season Street (formerly Luxury Goods) corner since June 2016. It will be held until 6/3 (Tues).
* Postscript The exhibition period has been extended until 7/1.
The location is on the entrance side of the fixtures on the flat table in front of the main counter on the 1st floor humanities floor, enter from the entrance near Starbucks on the 1st floor, go straight down the aisle, and it's right in front of the end.
Some new products are also on sale.
The denim portable series is still available on the 2F Season Street (former luxury goods) floor. If you are in the Futako Tamagawa area, or if you want to feel the pleasant May weather on your skin while enjoying home appliances and books, please check it out.
It may be a little early, but it is also recommended for those looking for a gift for Father's Day.

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